More about our methods: Data-Driven Fluid PVT, Bottom-Hole Pressures (BHPs), Multi-Phase Rates, Reservoir Analysis.
ODSI models the fluid flow path and thermal profile of the well bore, uses Equation of State-based PVT, and performs parametric phase-thermal wellbore modeling to calculate the rates given two pressure in the well (WHP and DHGP), or to calculate the pressure profile if given one pressure and the surface, subsea, or downhole rates.
ODSI’s EoS-based PVT is initially tuned with early production data, then is recalibrated every time there is a shut-in with valid wellhead and downhole pressures. This ISIP calculation allows the software to determine if there is a change in the fluid composition. This also allows us to calculate the Water Cuts and GORs for oil wells and to calculate the yields for gas and gas/condensate wells.
Our process calculates and/or validates bottomhole pressures (BHP) and multiphase rates. This allows engineers to focus on what is going on in the completion and in the reservoir. The process also recognizes when there are wellbore lift issues and predicts the rate required to achieve full sweep of the well bore.
For reservoir flow analysis, we incorporate ALL of the important terms in the diffusivity equation, not just the first-order terms (Energy Equation). ODSI’s inclusion of higher-order terms like inertia and momentum leads to a closed solution for reservoir flow in porous media. Furthermore, ODSI imposes a 2nd Law of Thermodynamics constraint on the Energy Equation, leading to a much better understanding of what is happening in the reservoir AND a better prediction of how much oil and gas the well should produce.